As a motivated Android Developer, I thrive on creating innovative and user-friendly mobile apps. My passion for technology and continuous learning keeps me ahead of industry trends. I excel in solving complex problems, ensuring seamless user experiences, and delivering high-quality applications. With a keen attention to detail and a collaborative spirit, I am a valuable asset to any development team.
Besides the commercial projects that I've worked on I've showcased a few of my personal projects on this site. Check them out in my portfolio.
Languages | ||||
Bash Scripts | Batch files | C# | C++ | Java |
Kotlin | PowerShell | Python | SQL | SQLite |
Android | ||
Activity Lifecycle | Android Debug Bridge (ADB) | Animated Image Drawables |
Animations | Async Tasks | Audio Sound Effects |
Bottom Navigation Bar | Broadcast Services | Callbacks |
Cardview | Chips | Clipboard |
Constraint Layout | Coroutines | Custom Themes |
Custom Views | Data Access Object (DAO) | Data Binding |
Date and Time Picker | Debugging | Design Patterns, |
Drawer Layout | File IO | Fragments |
Generics | Gradle | GraphQL |
Hash Tables | Integration Testing | Intents |
JSON | Linear Layout | Live Data |
MVVM Architecture | Material Design | Media Player |
Mobile Application Development | Multithreading | Navigation Component |
Network Adapter | Notifications | OAuth2 |
REST APIs | Recycler Views | Regular Expressions |
Repository | Services | Shared Preferences |
Threads / Runnables | Transition Animations | Unit Testing |
User Interface (UI) | Video Playback | View Flipper |
ViewModel | Web APIs | XML |
Libraries | |||
Espresso | Firebase | Git | GitHub |
Google Login | Google Maps | Gson | JUnit |
Location Services | Mockito | OkHttp | Picasso |
Retrofit | Robolectric | Room | Stetho |
Python | ||
BFS Data Structure | Binary Search Algorithm | Binary Search Tree Data Structure |
Blockchain | Bubble Sorting Algorithm | Class Inheritance |
Computer Architecture | Cryptocurrency | DFS Data Structure |
Graphs Data Structure | Insertion Sorting Algorithm | Linked List Data Structure |
List Comprehensions | Merge Sorting Algorithm | Object Oriented Programming (OOP) |
Pipenv | Queue Data Structure | Quick Sorting Algorithm |
Selection Sorting Algorithm | Slicing | Stack Data Structure |
Backend | ||
Heroku | Java Beans | Java Persistence API (JPA) |
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) | Maven | PostgreSQL |
RDBMS CRUD | RabbitMQ | Spring Boot |
Swagger | Thymeleaf | Tomcat |
Software | |||
Android Studio | Android Studio Profiler | Command Prompt Terminal | DB Browser for SQLite |
Discord | Git | Git Bash | GitHub |
IntelliJ IDEA | Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Office | Microsoft Outlook |
Microsoft PowerPoint | Microsoft Word | Notepad++ | Notion |
Postman | PyCharm | Shape Shifter | Slack |
Trello | VS Code | Visual Studio | Zoom |
Some of the activities I enjoy after work or on the weekends include, nature hikes, wilderness camping, travel to fascinating and historical places, exploring interesting festivals, and picking up new skills like ice skating and dancing.
I love being a developer. I enjoy meeting new people and discussing tech with them. Iβm passionate about making the world a better place. Hopefully, our paths will cross someday, and we can work together to achieve that goal!
Last updated: July 15, 2024