Chanter Music Notes

Description: Playing the practice chanter is made more challenging without having each music note and scale thoroughly memorized. This Android app aims to make practicing more enjoyable by presenting challenges in customizable ways. Current features include various speeds, a timer, random notes, reverse notes, and traditional songs. The animation can be paused, stopped, and rewind works too.

Tech: AndroidKotlinActivitiesCustom ViewExtended ClassEnumsThreadsAnimationsFull ScreenTimerExtension Methods

Highlights: Android app coded in Kotlin. Activities, custom view, extended class, enums, threads, animations, full screen, timer, extension methods.

image The browse fragment is the landing place where the list of trending movies is located.
image The same fragment but the second tab showing trending television shows instead.
image The user can search for titles using a real-time string input.
image The search fragment adapts to the user input.
image A list of a locally saved database of movies is stored and shown here.
image The about fragment is accessed via the options menu and displayed the attribution.

Link: GitHub Source Code

Photo by Kenny Filiaert on Unsplash