Health Chaser

Description: Android app providing an easy way to save the results of activities throughout the day in 8 different categories. The data is stored in the Firebase backend and is retrieved each time the same user logs in. The central theme is to give the user a way of correlating the effects of a given activity with the aftermath of that activity. This could help them pinpoint any issues by searching for possible connections throughout the day.

Tech: AndroidJavaActivitiesFragmentsRecyclerViewNetwork AdapterFirebaseSound EffectsAnimatedImageDrawablesLive DataGoogle LoginFloatingActionButtonNavigationViewDrawerLayoutViewFlipper

Highlights: Solo project built over the course of several days. App is fully functional with data persisting across sessions in the Firebase database. Ability to support multiple users and refresh weather data even when the location has changed.

image The main screen shows the weather data for the current location, a refresh button, and the logged in user name and e-mail address. This activity is the jumping off point for the deeper layers within.
image The side navigation drawer via the hamburger menu or swiping from left to right reveals the 8 health point categories.
image One of the health point categories, exercise. Each of the 4 colored bars is a button which reveals one of three dialog fragments depending on the data to be collected. The ViewFlipper allows for seamless integration of each health point into the activity. The saved entries at the bottom are stored in Firebase.
image A custom dialog fragment demonstrating a predefined selectable input for this particular health point.
image A number picker tumbler is featured in this dialog fragment, which is one of three possible ones. It allows for a quick selection without having to use the soft keyboard to type it in manually.
image Each of the three items feature Animated Image Drawables (GIFs) with an Action Intent to open the links to the source.

Link: GitHub Source Code