Health Chaser
February 1, 2020
Description: Android app providing an easy way to save the results of activities throughout the day in 8 different categories. The data is stored in the Firebase backend and is retrieved each time the same user logs in. The central theme is to give the user a way of correlating the effects of a given activity with the aftermath of that activity. This could help them pinpoint any issues by searching for possible connections throughout the day.
Tech: Android
• Java
• Activities
• Fragments
• RecyclerView
• Network Adapter
• Firebase
• Sound Effects
• AnimatedImageDrawables
• Live Data
• Google Login
• FloatingActionButton
• NavigationView
• DrawerLayout
• ViewFlipper
Highlights: Solo project built over the course of several days. App is fully functional with data persisting across sessions in the Firebase database. Ability to support multiple users and refresh weather data even when the location has changed.

Link: GitHub Source Code